En nuestra última edición

Low-cost meteorological platform based on zigbee technology

Computer- assisted analysis for e-portfolio learning strategy

Smart home control by voice using neural networks

Application software as global marketing strategy

Methodology used in the design and construction of a computer numerical control machine

Exergy analysis for a furnace in the production of panela

Reflection on the requirements specification in a university context

Digital social networks: an approach to risk management information systems

Analysis of the current system of a clay block dryer and an improvement proposal

Algorithms and systems based on patterns of stem cell and artificial cloning for automation and control in an assembly operation in metalworking processes

Development of a software to apply zoometria in bovine cattle

Design and simulation of a prototype of machine for signaling of ways, automated through a mechanical system

Modelation of modal election for urban public transport based on the introduction of a new mode

Evaluation of resistance to flexion in glazed ceramic tile in terms of ice and thaw cycles

A look at the onto- epistemic fundamentals of the career of system engineering as a basis for rethinking the social impact in times of changing

Structural analysis of a pressing machine for production of solid brick for small craft industries of ceramic materials in Ocaña, Norte de Santander, and in the region

Identification of vegetable coverages from satellite images over the middle and lower basin of the Catatumbo river

Aplication of lattice boltzmann equation method to the bidimensional simulation of typical fluids mechanic problem

The historical references of professional. development case study of teachers teaching in the basic primary education in Colombia

Critical thinking of students using facebook like new technology learning



PhD. Edwin García Quintero.

Abstract: There are several studies on dry isolating Partial discharges (PDs) which determine the importance of this technique to evaluate its consequent damage. However, there are a lot of things to do according to the evaluation of certain kind of relevant damages and find new pattern functions to determine on an isolating part, the most relevant defect which could be the main problem for the entire damage of the isolate system. On this article, different types of damage on a low density polymeric isolated system will be evaluated (ethylene - Propylene) from the present (PDs). And will be set a function to quantify, visualizes, and recognizes a defect against another into the isolate polymer.

Resumen: Hay muchos estudios sobre las descargas parciales (DPs) en aislamiento seco los cuales determinan la importancia de esta técnica para evaluar el deterioro del mismo. Sin embargo, queda mucho por hacer en cuanto a evaluar el tipo de deterioro más relevante y encontrar nuevas funciones de patrones que permitan determinar en un mismo aislamiento cual defecto puede ser más relevante y pueda conducir con mayor rapidez al daño total del sistema aislante. En este artículo se evaluarán diferentes tipos de deterioro de un sistema aislante polimérico de baja densidad (Etileno-Propileno) a partir de las DPs que estas presentan y se planteará una función que permita cuantificar, visualizar y discriminar un defecto frente a otro dentro del polímero aislante.

Keywords: Partial Discharges, Polymer Isolate, Ethylene – Propylene.