En nuestra última edición

Low-cost meteorological platform based on zigbee technology

Computer- assisted analysis for e-portfolio learning strategy

Smart home control by voice using neural networks

Application software as global marketing strategy

Methodology used in the design and construction of a computer numerical control machine

Exergy analysis for a furnace in the production of panela

Reflection on the requirements specification in a university context

Digital social networks: an approach to risk management information systems

Analysis of the current system of a clay block dryer and an improvement proposal

Algorithms and systems based on patterns of stem cell and artificial cloning for automation and control in an assembly operation in metalworking processes

Development of a software to apply zoometria in bovine cattle

Design and simulation of a prototype of machine for signaling of ways, automated through a mechanical system

Modelation of modal election for urban public transport based on the introduction of a new mode

Evaluation of resistance to flexion in glazed ceramic tile in terms of ice and thaw cycles

A look at the onto- epistemic fundamentals of the career of system engineering as a basis for rethinking the social impact in times of changing

Structural analysis of a pressing machine for production of solid brick for small craft industries of ceramic materials in Ocaña, Norte de Santander, and in the region

Identification of vegetable coverages from satellite images over the middle and lower basin of the Catatumbo river

Aplication of lattice boltzmann equation method to the bidimensional simulation of typical fluids mechanic problem

The historical references of professional. development case study of teachers teaching in the basic primary education in Colombia

Critical thinking of students using facebook like new technology learning





Les informamos que, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de nuestra revista, se han realizado modificaciones en el formato y las normas de referencias. A partir de ahora, todos los envíos de artículos deben realizarse a través de nuestro nuevo sistema Open Journal Systems (OJS) en https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/rcta. Les invitamos a consultar las nuevas normas de envío en el portal para asegurarse de que su manuscrito cumpla con los requisitos actualizados. Agradecemos su colaboración y quedamos a su disposición para cualquier consulta a través del nuevo sistema.



We inform you that, in order to improve the quality of our journal, changes have been made to the formatting and reference guidelines. From now on, all article submissions should be made through our new Open Journal Systems (OJS) at https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/rcta. We invite you to review the new submission guidelines on the portal to ensure that your manuscript meets the updated requirements. We appreciate your cooperation and remain available for any queries through the new system.


Editor’s note

ISSN Impreso: 1692-7257
ISSN en Línea: 2500-8625

The journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture aims to disseminate knowledge in advanced technology fields. This is a new version of the scientific journal Chíchira (ISSN 0122-9966), which was previously published by our former faculty.

This platform serves as a meeting point for university students, engineers, and researchers from both the Faculty and other universities across the country and abroad, who have working ties with the University of Pamplona. We offer them the opportunity to publish their research findings in our pages.

Our journal features general and specialized articles on topics such as Automatic Control, Automation, Digital Signal Processing, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Systems, and related areas of engineering. With biannual circulation and both national and international coverage, we fulfill one of the university's fundamental purposes: to promote the dissemination and exchange of new technologies with the university and industrial community.

Since 2011, the journal has migrated to the new OJS system. We invite all authors to submit their contributions through our new portal: https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/rcta.

The Institute for Research and Development of Applied Technologies (IIDTA), under the direction of Ph.D. Aldo Pardo García, extends its gratitude to the authors for their valuable contributions, and to the reviewers and editorial committee for their hard work in ensuring that each edition meets the required quality standards and reaches a successful conclusion.

The COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES is not in charge by the content of published articles.


Nota del Editor

ISSN Impreso: 1692-7257
ISSN en Línea: 2500-8625

La revista de la Facultad de Ingenierías y Arquitectura tiene como propósito la difusión de conocimientos en las áreas de las tecnologías de avanzada. Esta es una nueva versión de la revista científica Chíchira (ISSN 0122-9966), que anteriormente publicaba nuestra antigua facultad.

Este espacio es un punto de encuentro entre universitarios, ingenieros e investigadores, tanto de la Facultad como de otras universidades del país y del extranjero, que tienen lazos de trabajo con la Universidad de Pamplona. Les brindamos la oportunidad de publicar sus resultados investigativos en nuestras páginas.

Nuestra revista ofrece artículos generales y especializados en temas como Control Automático, Automatización, Procesamiento Digital de Señales, Electrónica, Eléctrica, Telecomunicaciones, Sistemas, y áreas afines a la ingeniería. Con una circulación semestral y una cobertura nacional e internacional, cumplimos con uno de los propósitos fundamentales de nuestra universidad: dar a conocer y propiciar el intercambio de las nuevas tecnologías con la comunidad universitaria e industrial.

A partir de 2011, la revista ha migrado al nuevo sistema OJS. Invitamos a todos los autores a enviar sus contribuciones a través de nuestro nuevo portal: https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/rcta.

El Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Aplicadas (IIDTA), bajo la dirección del Ph.D. Aldo Pardo García, agradece a los autores por sus valiosas contribuciones, y a los revisores y al comité editorial por su arduo trabajo para garantizar que cada edición alcance la calidad requerida y llegue a un feliz término.

La revista COLOMBIANA DE TECNOOGÍAS DE AVANZADA no se hace responsable por el contenido de los artículos públicados.


Creative Commons License
Revista Colombiana Tecnologías de Avanzada by Universidad de Pamplona is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0.