The policies that standardize and guide Social interactions at University of Pamplona are:


a) Articulation of academic, investigative and cultural activities. Articulates academy, investigation and social interaction in order to integrate various areas of knowledge, and establish the functions, activities and programs that guarantee a connection with community. With this goal in mind, social work, professional work experience, continuous education and graduate monitoring will be supported in order to have a more developed country in a regional, national and international order.

b) Social interaction in a regional, national and international environment. Pamplona University has great importance in the regional, national and international development, both by its contribution to socio-cultural development and the socio-economical conditions of the population. This educational, social and cultural commitment requires that the University creates mechanisms that allow the process of interaction with the community in the academic and productive sectors in the region via social interaction programs and projects.

c) Social interaction, a relationship with students. Social interaction is part of the student's academic process where the relationship between knowledge and practice is evidenced in the environment. Thus, the University promotes students' linking into programs, projects or activities of social interaction that give support to the various sectors of society, according to regional, national and international priorities.

e) Circulation and raising awareness.  As part of the development of the Institutional Mission and Vision, the Social interactions Vice President Office will divulge and make aware in various fields of knowledge and practice, the concepts, functions and activities of social interaction via the media trying to promote agreements that produce educational and production processes in imperative areas, either regional, national and international.

f) Management and technological innovation applied to knowledge. Pamplona University encourages participation in technological management processes, guiding the university in its mission axes, academy, investigation and extension with the government and productive sector.

g) Planning and coordination management: Coordination of the physical, academic, technological, economical, and human resources for the social interaction process, among the Social Interaction Committee of the University and the other interfering instances.

h) Interactive relationship with different social actors. The development of social interaction recognizes the relation processes with the environment in a multidirectional way throughout the construction of knowledge in social environments that merge from daily problems and take to their solution by exchanging experiences and knowledge, training for the community, socialization and applying knowledge that comes from teaching and research.

i) Social interaction and the university’s social responsibility. The commitment of contributing to society with the improvement of life conditions and quality of its actors, promoting academy, research and extension as a contribution to the solution of social problems that generate a transformation of good customs.


Translated By: Mg. PhD(c) Carlos Alberto Jaimes Guerrero